The Norfolk Small Charities Showcase 2024 takes place on Saturday 22nd June in Norwich and tickets are now available for free participation. This event has two parts - a promotional space open to the public in the main Atrium of the Forum, and a series of free to attend learning workshops in a private space on the first floor.
The promotional space is open to any Norfolk based small charity or organisation with an annual income of less than £100,000 with spaces allocated on a pre-booked first come first served basis on receipt of a £20 deposit which will be refunded, after the event as long as you turn up and stay for the duration of the event. Stall set-up is from 8.30am to be open to the public from 9.30am until 3.30pm.
The 1 hour free to attend workshops will feature the following themes and are open on a pre-booked basis to any Norfolk based charity or community organisation with an annual income of less than £500,000:
- 10am - 11am. Staying safe with Cyber security for charities - reducing the risk of having your data stolen, risking being a victim of ransom-ware, or having your bank accounts hacked. (Co-hosted by Community Action Norfolk)
- 11.30am - 12.30pm. Good Governance - what makes a good Board of Trustees or Management Committee, where to get help and guidance to get started and when things go wrong. (Co-hosted by Community Action Norfolk)
- 1pm - 2pm. Norfolk's Vision for Volunteering and how to access the county's most popular on-line volunteering platform where organisations can list volunteering opportunities and volunteers can register their interest and communicate directly with those seeking help. (Co-hosted by Voluntary Norfolk)
- 2.30pm - 3.30pm. Fundraising - a guide to finding funding online, where to look and where to find. (Co-hosted by MadGiraffe Management and Development)
To book a promotional space or a place on the free workshops visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e...