The Foundation has recently published its annual report for the year ending 31st March 2017. Trustees highlighted the following achievements in terms of grants awarded.
9 applications for assistance were considered under our small grants programme during this period split between 6 from voluntary and community organisations and 3 from individual young people. 4 applications were approved (2 community organisation and 2 individual young people).
The following awards were made:
- £250 to The BUILD Charity who provide social leisure and learning for people with disabilities with this grant specifically used to fund training for volunteers.
- £120 to Willow Bushell – a youth member of Girlguiding Norfolk to support the costs of attending a training event in Scotland
- £150 to the 1st Great and Little Plumstead Sea Scout Group to fund minibus driver training for one of its volunteers to enable them to take young people to the Lake District for an activity week.
- £150 to Mrs Christine Bramham a volunteer with Girlguiding Norfolk to part fund her costs for supporting girls attending a residential activity in Switzerland.